
A dedication to my mother, Yoshiko.

She was the symbol of
courage, grace and beauty;
she was the pillar of strength,
rays of light and
inspiration to all who knew her.

                            Why I wrote the book

When I told family and friends that I had just finished writing this short story, most of them were surprised. There were two questions that they all asked: “Have you ever written a book before? And “How did you find the time being a busy Mom with two year old twin boys?!”

The first few months immediately after my mother passed, I was consumed by my grief and guilt. Grieving that I would never see my mother again and feeling ever so guilty that I wasn't a better daughter to her. Why wasn't I a more agreeable daughter?  Why couldn't I be more understanding to her likes or dislikes? Why was I so consumed by my own life that I allowed her to care for me more than I cared for her.

Finding time for writing was a non-issue since I was overwhelmingly consumed by my loss every minute of the day, every day. Her love for me, her wisdom, and our conversations, they came to me from the depth of my soul, they became a beautiful story in my head. It was then I realized that I had to write down what I was feeling and what I was thinking.

The book started out as a way for me to honor my mother and to remember her. But during the process of writing it, gradually peace found me, the thoughts soothed me and the story comforted me. In the end, I realized she again gave me a gift. She healed my heart with this precious little story.



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